On January 8th, according to The Block, Presto Research analyst Min Jung said that the market, including stocks, was weak due to macroeconomic concerns about persistent inflation. Not only cryptocurrencies, the Nasdaq and S & P 500 both fell by more than 1% yesterday, mainly due to ISM data showing that the US economy is growing faster than expected, triggering persistent concerns about inflation, causing bond yields to surge, and the 10-year Treasury yield reached its highest level since April.
Analysts at Presto, the trading and financial services firm, said the US election could trigger a meltdown in the bond market, with implications for other assets such as bitcoin. Presto analysts Peter Chung and Min Jung issued the warning following a CNBC interview on Tuesday with prominent investor Paul Tudor Jones, in which Jones said he was bullish on bitcoin, gold, commodities and Nasdaq stocks in the current risk environment.
Retail investors' enthusiasm for FTX's court-approved bankruptcy plan may be premature, according to a new report from Presto Labs. In the report, analysts questioned whether $16 billion in cash paid to creditors as part of the plan would flow back into the cryptocurrency market. FTX expects the total value of property available for distribution to be between $14.70 billion and $16.50 billion. This amount includes...
On September 24th, Rick Maeda, a research analyst at Presto Research in Singapore, pointed out that today's RRR cut by the People's Bank of China hardly caused a reaction in the cryptocurrency market, but it triggered a rise in Asian stocks, with Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index rising 3.2% and the Shanghai Composite Index rising 2.3%. Bitcoin's lack of response to the news, too, seems to indicate that Bitcoin's movements may be more closely tied to Federal Reserve policy and the U.S. market, as evid...
In response to the "Brazilian Supreme Court's suspension of the X platform," tech lawyer Preston Byrne argued that if Brazil "succeeds" in its battle with X, other countries may follow suit. "If Brazil succeeds in defeating X, the European Union, the UK, Australia, Canada will next ban X. Conversely, if X defeats Brazil, censorship around the world will prove useless to Americans and decline rapidly," Byrne added. (Cointelegraph)
在这篇研究文章中,我们 (1) 介绍了韩国加密货币的历史,(2) 研究了该行业的现状,特别是上述现象和新法规,以及 (3) 探讨了国内市场的一些主要参与者。 来源:Presto Research;编译:陶朱,金色财经摘要在精通技术的人群的推动下,韩国的加密货币市场以密集的散户投资为特征,从而产生了“泡菜溢价”和“上市热潮”等独特现象。韩国加密货币的历史以重大的监管发展为标志,主要侧重于加强市场诚信和投资者保护。然而,尽管交易量大且监管进展顺利,但由于公众对加密货币的看法以及该领域缺乏监管,市场建设者仍面临挑战。图 1:韩元一直是全球法定货币交易量排名前二的货币。前言得益于广泛的互联网接入和精通技术的人口,韩国已成为技术强国,在全球加密货币领域发挥着重要作用。韩国以其热情的散户投资者群体为特征,展现出独特的市场现象,如“泡菜溢价”和“上市热潮”,反映了韩国公民对加密货币投资的热情。然而,这些行为也引起了监管机构和市场观察者的担忧,导致出台新法规,这些法规预计将影响全球加密货币市场。在这篇研究文章中,我们 (1) 介绍了韩国加密货币的历史,(2) 研究了该行业的现状,特...
Singapore-based trading firm Presto Labs advises clients to bet on the strength of BTC in market-neutral trades and to short BCH in order to profit from the ongoing Mt. Gox repayment. Our analysis indicates that the selling pressure on BCH will be four times that of BTC, i.e. 24% of the daily trading value of BCH compared to 6% of the daily trading value of BTC. Excluding funding rate risk, going long on BTC perpetual contracts and pairing short on BCH perpetual contracts is the most effective w...
The head of research at Presto Labs wrote in a note that fears that selling pressure from the Mt. Gox bankruptcy redemption will push the price of BTC down are unfounded, but this could be a bearish scenario for BCH. In addition to the former exchange that will return about $9.50 billion in BTC to customers, Mt. Gox will also return 143,000 BCH, worth about $73 million. Data shows that the daily trading volume of Bitcoin Cash is $308.80 million, and the value of this redemption is about 24% of t...